The Missouri S&T Amateur Radio Club is open to all amateurs, including students, faculty, and staff of Missouri S&T, as well as community members. Please check out one of the ways listed below to get involved!
The club was formed by students of the Missouri School of Mines and Metallurgy in 1923, although the first club call sign was not issued by the FCC until 1931.
The Missouri S&T Amateur Radio Club is a very active amateur radio organization. We participate in many activities throughout the year, including November Sweepstakes, the ARRL School Club Roundup and Field Day. The club maintains assorted radio equipment for our members to use.
Our shack is located in Room G-29/30 of the Electrical & Computer Engineering Building (Emerson Electric Company Hall).
Visit the Station
Our amateur radio station (commonly called “the shack”) is located in room G29/30 of Emerson Hall. The shack is usually open any time a member is present (which tends to be most of the day during the week). If we aren’t around, send us an email (w0eee@mst.edu), and we’ll find a time to make sure a member is available to show you the station.
Join the Discord
Discord is our primary method of online communication. Join our server to get information on club events and connect with our community!